Lost Species Dayさんのプロフィール画像

Lost Species Dayさんのイラストまとめ

Lost Species Day, Nov30, is a yearly chance to explore the stories of extinct & critically endangered species, cultures & communities

フォロー数:4950 フォロワー数:5101

This skeleton, on display in Lyon, is one of only a few complete (non-composite) ones in existence for Steller’s sea cow. It gives an excellent sense of these giants’ distinctive proportions & sheer heft. Image public domain

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If you’re keen on natural history & folkloric art, please take a look at the work of Not only have I had the pleasure of meeting them in person, but I’ve observed a little of their process first-hand. Its an exquisite tribute to nature’s surpassing complexity.

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110ya, the black mamo was last recorded in Hawaii. This species went due to habitat disruption & predation by introduced animals.

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