

He/Him. 30s. Writes and arts when I'm not working. Give me all your monsters.

Art twitter: @Terakind

Current Games: Factorio, Deep Rock Galactic

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:72

wip so you know I ain't done drawing. Are these three actually sisters or is the word more religious in meaning?

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First art of the decade is another cute dragon girl.

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Mymsie, the dearly desperate dragon.

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.'s living dungeon, Deem, doing what I imagine living dungeons do in their spare time.

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Some of the first fanart for 's game! Hoping to play this big guy soon!

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More art for my Valhanas project. Six types of soldiers for the Kirasa, the highly spiritual people created by the goddess Luxana.

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Completely forgot to post this here of all places.

This sorta thing is how I spend my commute to/from work lately.

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Viera named Tyliah for a RP. A street rat her whole life, Ty learns of an open recruitment at a Hero's Guild. Might be just what she needs.

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