


フォロー数:3149 フォロワー数:6817

If it came to light that ppl were spending $200k on this because it was a front for them purchasing assassinations, and the raw image files somehow contain embedded images/videos of the hits, that would make more sense than “they spent six figgies on this cuz they just wanted to”

7 45

I think one thing that consistently sticks out throughout Cowboy Bebop is all the interesting and detailed designs for characters that only appear for roughly 5 seconds

66 396

Yeah bro I can’t wait for Bluepoint’s “enhanced” redesigns lol

1 15

I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but it bears repeating: It's SO bizarre that the GameBoy Advance's 'lifespan' was only 3 years, because the sheer amount of high-quality games it got made it feel twice as long.

55 241

Made for flyers to the Oita Prefectural Art Museum’s 2015 Manga Exhibition

14 52

I wonder if the decision to solely use Circle of the Moon’s cover art for the Castlevania Advance Collection was merely done out of convenience, or intended to be a dig at Igarashi (who had no involvement, and disliked it enough to retcon it out of canon a year after its release)

0 9

I wish this game had been a leaner linear level-based campaign, instead of a live-service numbers-based loot shooter, simply because its story gets to a point later in where it goes from ‘vaguely interesting’ to ‘distinctly maniacal’ and I’d like more people to experience it.

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