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If you're a gamer, this issue is nothing new: "Biohazard" became "Resident Evil" due to the existence of a band with that name while "Dragon Quest" was initially known as "Dragon Warrior" in North America because of the "DragonQuest" role-playing game system. 3/7
@erejnion @NeoTechni This is what happens when you don't provide notes and prioritize translation speed over quality. I worked on a "Nancy Drew" game where the Spanish translator didn't bother googling George Fayne and switched all pronouns referring to her from female to male based on her name. 😢
Could anyone please explain to me why Nick Wilde's hotness was the subject of debate by "Minecraft" fans earlier today? 🤔
@DooHerpa @RexThe2nd @j_step21 I'd be very VERY careful about making out with Power Girl... 🥴
@SilentCart @SmokeAndSomno You might as well ask why the Japanese make Shuma-Gorath hentai doujinshi. The answer seems to be, "Because we could."
@ZombieClaudeR @Abriael @NeoTechni @sie_kensou77 @BlackSliverhive @TEanubis The funniest "Star Wars" video game testing story I've heard involved the use of Force powers to cause bottles in a bar to fly around. In the process, it was discovered that the label on one was Captain Morgan with an alien head pasted on. Can you say copyright infringement? 🤣
@Aethereal311 @Sutorippu @seri3ma Not the same thing. Marine's obviously wearing a body suit because you can see how she's wearing it because of the obvious fabric demarcation around her neck. Sherry? Not so much.