mafo ❎さんのプロフィール画像

mafo ❎さんのイラストまとめ

A fat bureaucrat asked me, "do you make a good living doing #art?"
"As good a one as did Van Gogh, Gauguin, Modigliani," replied I.

Illegitimi non carborundum.

フォロー数:3036 フォロワー数:2982

Impressions from the Garden of Eden:
verdant rollicking,
as though a fiesta
of long-plumed birds
in brilliant feathered array.
Where lush flowers do bloom
and the air tastes like honey.
The sun is a ripe melon;
the moon, like a scoop of ice cream,
in the center,
a cherry on top.

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The old magister stared into distant space.
"One must blend a scientist's mathematics into the soul of an artist, and carefully expose it to moon rays that have been filtered through translucent gold sheeting," he confided.
"It's only then one can begin to feel the secret power."

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If you could see conversations between flowers and sunlight and whispering breezes perhaps this is what you might see.
Nectar-sweet murmurings in a dappled tapestry of tint and form.
Undulating nuances tempting curved color to vibrating ecstasies.
Soft, scintillating suggestions.

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With wild gesticulations, bold strokes reflecting varied urban sentiments, deep emotional structures unfold as though strange edifices of civilizations, colliding deep within the artifice of rampant imaginings.
Cryptologists beware, for these are: Secret Messages from the Psyche.

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Creating a dynasty of imagery for consideration now, and for many generations to come. I will live on long after I die. Such is the indefatigable irony that is an A perpetuity of persistence. Like some recurring dream.
MAFO : "Meditation on Creation, No.54" — mixed media

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Creating a dynasty of imagery for consideration now, and for many generations to come. I will live on long after I die. Such is the indefatigable irony that is an A perpetuity of persistence. Like some recurring dream.
MAFO : "Meditation on Creation, No.50" — mixed media

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Creating a dynasty of imagery for consideration now, and for many generations to come. I will live on long after I die. Such is the indefatigable irony that is an A perpetuity of persistence. Like some recurring dream.
MAFO : "Meditation on Creation, No.47" — mixed media

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Creating a dynasty of imagery for consideration now, and for many generations to come. I will live on long after I die. Such is the indefatigable irony that is an A perpetuity of persistence. Like some recurring dream.
MAFO : "Meditation on Creation, No.46" — mixed media

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Тайны творения изобилуют.
Почему не жарко? Почему так здорово?
Волны, которые текут, куда они идут?
Ответы - это больше пищи для размышлений.

The mysteries of creation abound.
Why not hot? Why so cool?
Waves that flow, where do they go?
Answers are more food for thought.

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Det finns många vägar till den magiska,
många är de sätt man blir nedsänkt,
färgglatt är resultatet,
som en regnbåge kappa
målade av solen.

There are many ways to the magic,
many are the ways to be immersed,
colorful is the result,
like a rainbow coat
painted by the sun.

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