

I got the trash if you got the cash so baby we should get along fine. Give me all your money 'cause I know you think I'm funny

フォロー数:282 フォロワー数:5812

In all seriousness, here are 4 random fictional characters that mean the world to me. Not much for tagging, sadly.

0 15

Anon's making his moves. In for the fight of their lives.

1 12

Among these dozen trapped boxes is 15000 gold pieces, but my anons aren't risking their goblin waifu getting hurt to get it. Damn proud of my anons. Love over gold.

1 23

Re posting Xhuge Lumsden

6 35

I'm taking a couple of days off to do some financial stuff (which is going well). So the quest will be getting more updates throughout the day for a bit.


4 13

Re posting Velatra

5 25

reposting slaanesh and the masque

7 47