

Pixel Artist, artist & game designer. Current project: @octocityblues with @firas_assaad (CEO), @Audio_Mew, @mmmmMozart & @aaroneason.

I 🖤 videogames.…

フォロー数:295 フォロワー数:379

This is a that I did very long time ago, I think it was around 2007 (I'm not sure). It was for a mobile game that I was doing back then, but it was cancelled.

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In 2017 there was a hastag to show support to the new game for by .

It was the first time that I pixeled a picture using 4 RGB colors.
First, I did an sketch testing colors & then, the final version.


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On 4/20/2013 I did this for a PixelJoint weekly challenge: "Never Nude". Consists on drawing a 200x200 px scene censoring nudity in a funny way. 20 colors max. I decided to do a tribute to my 2 favorite FPS: & even though isn't one of my fav genres on videogames

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Freedan from (#IllusionOfTime in Eur) pixeled with a app called "Pixel Maker".

I absolutely recomend it, due that is very cheap and very confortable to draw directly using the tactical screen. You can draw with the pencil, also with the buttons+pad

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A couple of alternatives:

👉Blue Sonic. Originally I did it the pink one first.
👉Pink version of the Jungle Zone "remake" that I did earlier on 2011.

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I did this with watercolors in 2005-2006 (I don't remember exactly when).

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From a concept, to pixels

My inspiration came fast due the fact that months earlier I watched a beetle's documentary. I was wondering why are they making dung balls and I coulnd't live without knowing it.

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We also have companies that compete in the videogame industry in Octopus City.

The two bigger companies, Ratkings (TurboShark consoles) & Ghost in a Bottle (Centipede consoles), have their own mascots as well.

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