

2021年3月に学研プラスより発売予定の書籍。ミステリ調の英文を通じて学べる英単語帳です。1日1文、すこし不穏な例文をご紹介したり、書籍の製作工程について発信したりします。 ※例文や画像は製作中のものです。すべてフィクションで、実在の人物や事件、団体などとは関係ありません。

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There is a lot of evidence left at the crime scene. A good
detective is able to access the relevance of each item.

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“This discovery could be a big step for mankind!” The scientist flaunted a flask containing a suspicious purple solution.

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The crew and passengers sighed in relief when the bomb on the train was deactivated by the bomb disposal squad.

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Surveillance cameras set up all over the city would be a precious help to track a walking path of a criminal.

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Cornered on the rooftop, the thief grinned, because the sound of his approaching getaway helicopter was getting louder.

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That poisonous mushroom has a rare feature. It can take up to a week to develop symptoms of poisoning.

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The government dispatched a female spy to the hostile country to seek out its weakness. However, she was a double agent.

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Being bitten by a vampire, the beauty was too scared to scream.

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Don’t ever say “I’m going to propose to her after this case is solved.” Anyone who makes such a promise usually dies.

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The moment the people exchanged uneasy looks, the bellow of the mayor echoed throughout the building.

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