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@Dianazoic @Goji_Saurus Because they wouldn’t have the nostalgia marketability to call it velociraptor.
Also I believe (it might just be rumors) that Atrociraptor was mean to be Urahraptor but they scrapped it.
Still really sucks since giant feathered dromaeosaurs are just as scary and awesome as jp’s
@Brushwolf @BasiliskOnline @Smatterbrain It’s actually extremely possible thst this did happen! Carnotaurus and other abelisaurids had tiny wittle hands, with extreme mobility. Since it was so small it couldn’t be used for fighting of hunting, it most likely was used for mating displays: https://t.co/aNSis2QELf
Happy #DinosaurDay ! Here’s a WIP of some Vector of my character Mútán the Yutyrannus! Redesigning him a bit and I hope to one day make models of him and my other Dino characters for a story I’m making. #dinosaur #yutyrannus #PrehistoricPlanet #JurassicWorldDominion #vectorart
@wsepulved32 @AllosaurusJP The point is not that you like both, the point being made is thst we need to push less for Dinosaurs portrayed always as monsters and killing machines, and embrace more of the uniqueness of their actual lives. Primitive War is a great example of this and so is Prehistoric Planet.
@LowResDev @Cyclopes_sp @j_stocky What we know of parasaurolophus is that it was this giant, moose-like animal that was ver chonky, no predator was picking on it without getting into a scrap. Also the sound from their crests were like nothing we have ever heard, almost ghostly. Ex here: https://t.co/ScVBEAqtvt
@j_stocky probably these are close to iconisim, but nothing really beats the two big Ts
@FYutyrannus I've never played Monster prom but HOLY FRICK DOES THIS CHARACTER DESIGN SLAP WTF
@GetIntimidated Yutyrannus Huali
The beautiful feathered Tyrant
@Ja_Crispy_Vic Its the same, similar sort of idea of extra jagged and monster like (giga is distinct w/ scutes, while indom w/ quills).
It still is ver weird why the original animal has to be monster-like and made to look more like the hybrid, rather than vice versa. Its ver odd