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More of a ponder than a spoiler*
Are we gonna get to see Sam Simeon in #Peacemaker??
@DavesComicHero @BiLLYd_licious Look no further than Escape from Bizzaro World. It's my favorite Superman story ever I think.
@NotGeorgeLucas1 Akira becomes a Monarchy, Tetsuo takes over the clown gang, literally does ever drug on the street in one shot and gets so high he rips a chunk out of the moon and it throws off Earth's tides an America gets involved. Tetsuo maybe pops his friends heads. It's pretty Epic.
@TAYLORS62916765 @beernut1 @ollieisyms @Rederanged2 @Mr_CoCoNutss @Captaincartoon2 @RickWrightNow @MorgaineKayt @blakeberginuk @MutantTheater2 @Nerdserker1 @snootyface @clint_stockton @MeirZarchi @CryptMidwest @kinky_horror An let's face it, we all love a good marriage. #Sting
@DanSchwent Too cool. It's just a ton of fun. Very stylish. After I was a massive fan of Eric P I found this. If you haven't read this yet it's my favorite Superman story I've ever read an I grew up with all the classics an reprints.
@thinbloodeddino @bloodofkirby @sootygrunter79 @buse_chris @ShawnWebster13 @SBarrBrisebois @BiLLYd_licious @DeevElliott @Lord_Azoth @WillPheesh @GGWOW1 @pheltzcomics @SteveNiles @ronniehowlett3 @cowboy_steel @FrankiePaul64 @IrvingForbush2 @SelkirkArt @Zen_Of_Comics @comics_is Cool subtle Frazetta borrow