

An anime fan with lots of controversial opinions.

Watch Dragon Ball if you haven't already

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:209

I am tired of these "Oh, you just don't understand" arguments, I understand, I still don't like it

I get the idea, having Goku use UI in a way that it's natural to him but the execution sucks IMO

It's like SSJ Grade 4 except that made sense and Goku trained for months to get it

3 28

Yeah, it portrays Goku much more selfish than he is. Goku has fought for other people and for the sake of the universe multiple times and knew about it

And whenever Goku went up against the main antagonists, while he was excited, he wasn't just that, he was also cautious too

6 23

Well, it's a good thing that people actually use good arguments like

-Great character development
-Amazing Fights
-Amazing art
-So many peak moments
-Insane plot twists

and many other things

8 44

Man, can you imagine reading DB weekly? With all these surprises happenings all around, it must have been such a great experience

Goku becoming an adult and father, Kami/Trunks/Cell's intro, Goku/Piccolo's heritage, Goku staying dead, Saiyans' extermination, Majin Vegeta, etc

7 34

Goku and Vegeta have a great and popular rivalry and it's written very well

How they impact and contrast each other, learn from each other, and grow as a character because of the other

It's a shame that this rivalry sometimes gets reduced to "It's only Vegeta chasing Goku"

34 174

Don't talk about DB if you haven't watched or read it and definitely don't talk about DB if you are using memes, especially as unfunny and wrong as Piccolo being Gohan's dad

3 21

Me: Goku is mature enough to know when he's completely outclassed and give up

This guy: Monkey D Luffy is better because he doesn't give up when he has a chance to win and has trained

There's no correlation between the two even Goku doesn't give up when he has a chance to win

10 38

Why is it hot garbage?

Goku giving up knowing he can't do anything is not anything new

He learned to give up unlike his kid self

He literally did everything he could and beyond and accomplished nothing

Beerus wasn't damaged at all and he is barely able to fly and remain awake

12 113

Can anyone tell me why the hell is it a problem for Goku to be the one to defeat the main villain and come out on top in DB?

He's the fucking MC. What do you expect?

A lot of anime/manga do that. Why is DB doing it a problem?

Goku doesn't even win by himself most of the time

26 208

So no, Piccolo is not being Gohan's dad, he was wrong in his view of Gohan's thought process, power and potential and was constantly underestimating him

While Goku also made a mistake, he was right in the end and apologized and had complete faith in his son even after he died

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