

An anime fan with lots of controversial opinions.

Watch Dragon Ball if you haven't already

フォロー数:101 フォロワー数:250

So while people see Goku not realize Gohan's thought process that he doesn't want to kill Cell

They are not seeing that Piccolo also didn't realize it either, Gohan was willing to fight and beat Cell even though he didn't want to

Piccolo's still seeing him as a kid unlike Goku

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Piccolo's argument against Goku about Gohan not wanting to beat Cell and wondering why isn't Goku helping are just his assumptions.

Gohan was not thinking that at all, he himself figured out Goku's plan and said he wanted to beat Cell and was willing to try

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Piccolo was not being Gohan's real father here, Goku was.

Piccolo was constantly underestimating Gohan and not believing in his power even after seeing him as a SSJ unlike Goku who believed Gohan could surpass Cell and himself even before they trained

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Which DB character is most misunderstood between father and son by the fandom?

Son 'has 0 development and depth' Goku


Son 'should be a stoic edgelord or a Goku clone' Gohan

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I finished re-reading Dragon Ball from start to finish and it was a great read and an incredible story

And I really don't get how people can watch it and think

DB is only good because of nostalgia

Goku has 0 character development

Boo Saga sucks, should have ended at Cell Saga

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Reading a story for its actual story and themes is bs?

What is up with this disrespect for DB? What did DB do to these people?

Anyway, yes it has depth, many stories do, even children's stories have them

DB having it shouldn't be shocking and I read it for it, here are some

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Now I am not saying DB is some super deep philosophical story, just that it has more depth than it's given credit and while the story is simple it is not "bad guy appears, get a random power-up, win"

Respect Dragon Ball not just for its influence but for its actual good story

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He finds a balance between his Saiyan nature and Earthling teachings in the form of Super Saiyan

He also finds balance in when to have mercy and when not to

I also like his character development because of how subtle it is, to the point most of the fandom completely misses it

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And he is able to grow out of his naive mindset as he grows older, he figures out to tell boys and girls apart in RRA arc

and learn that killing is necessary and can even sense malice in other people

Even other people have called him a genius

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He is also just good at figuring things out in general

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