

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. ☸️ #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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of the American pacific northwest, particularly the redwood forests around northern California and southern Oregon with their gigantic trees and thick fern brush, giving it a flavor unique among the locations we’ve seen in the Land Before Time, and one

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themselves, but also some that are also beautiful and fun, like little Mo. Mo is a good argument for making a return to the Big Water all on his own. There are LBT fans who consider him just shy of being a full fledged member of the gang. He might have been, if

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dead trees. One of the most prominent features that consistently show up are the Smoking Mountains, a series of volcanoes not too far from the Valley. Other than Threehorn Peak from the seventh film, none of them are named, but given how often they pop off you’d think

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NATIVIES to the Mysterious Beyond. They started life out in a place with ‘mysterious’ and ‘beyond’ in its name, suggesting unknowability and far away distance when it was, in fact, at one point, right where they were hatched and all they ever knew. The term seems

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I got the anniversary commission in today, and I say without hype or hyperbole that I think it's even better than last years. Also, Isis was kind enough to throw in this little bonus picture. Here you go!

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Journey of the Brave has gotta rank as one of my favorites, definitely one of the movies I've watched the most this year.

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Angron! Easily the most tragic of the Primarchs, the most easily misunderstood, and the most kickass in personal combat

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Cera's dad WOULD be the Mayor from Jaws.

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Something that fan art has correctly predicted

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