Maoukurosai | Vtuberさんのプロフィール画像

Maoukurosai | Vtuberさんのイラストまとめ

Fan of Anime, Manga, and Games.
Enjoys Falcom, Gust, and Nippon Ichi games.

PFP: @Kimilenne

フォロー数:915 フォロワー数:108

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox was a really fun entry in the Ys series. The city was really fun to explore, and movement felt super fluid, especially with the movement options given through the characters' gifts. I like this game so much that I got 100% in it.

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Witch and the Hundred Knight has confusing maps and dull combat. I didn't really play much because of this.

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Taisho Alice was the only visual novel series I played this year. The story was pretty great, including the overarching plot, and the romances were solid. Kaguya having only one correct choice path takes away points though.

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Persona 5 Royal added quite a bit more to the original, giving new art, gameplay, and story. The gameplay improvements made things more interesting and fun (not Okumura). The new term was amazing in terms of story, and the dungeon was fun to go through.

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God Eater 3 was some more mindless beast hunting. They really turned up the difficulty of the enemies this time. Final boss was kinda disappointing though.

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Corpse Party: Book of Shadows was... a game. It has the same problems as its predecessor, encouraging you to do stuff that actually leads to bad ends, being bad at communicating the results of your actions, and just being dark for no real reason. I never finished this game.

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Confess My Love was a short, but fun little freeware game that had a nice story too. Looking forward to playing more games by the developers.

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Taking this tag from Kimilenne.

4 fav anime and 4 mutuals.

I have a wide range of tastes, okay.


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