

Feminist; Tolkien nerd/up for all things LoTR, The Three Hunters, Farscape, Nightwing, Seaborn for President; Sense8💖💖💖; rooting for Reason.

フォロー数:279 フォロワー数:562

after he had checked all beats from Chuck Dixon's probably: "hm what is left for me now? plagiarise my own work? good idea. I won't kill him this time. i am original!"

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Bat fandom: Dick's was a happy carefree sunshine child

Canon 8 year old Dick: "I'm all alone now, Mister Pennyworth."

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was using his childhood hero/mom's nickname to avenge his parent's murders. Nightwing is Dick as an adult with a larger ambition than mere vengeance. Robin was a child's comfort blanket, is Dick owning his rank as a DCU leader.

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Only the issues as source. Dick rhapsodying about Joey and his graceful talents 😍

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Wishing everyone a happy and safe

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A brilliant modern take on the classic suit evolving for a teenage

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That's literally what domestic abuse survivors say to deflect attention from their injuries. But then will have a female character wear a domestic abuse moment on her shirt. The levels of abuse apologia in this fandom *facepalm*

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Andrew Constant's Future State is the Nightwing run dreams of being. In just 2 issues, Constant establishes how much of an A-lister Dick Grayson is while Taylor has struggled to show him as even barely competent in 10 issues LOL

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Very reminiscent of his original suit. Just the leotard extended into leggings. Yellow cape and red vest is always a win. An upgraded belt, similar shoes and gloves. Bummed at Dick's hair losing their curls tho.

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's Stranded. That's it, that's the tweet. 🔥Brilliant!!!🙌 Off to a reread.

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