

Feminist; Tolkien nerd/up for all things LoTR, The Three Hunters, Farscape, Nightwing, Seaborn for President; Sense8💖💖💖; rooting for Reason.

フォロー数:274 フォロワー数:591

👀Dear Bruce, please go to therapy.

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Sales declined as that's when the as JL's underlings arc began (#23 with M'gann as some kind of supervisor UGH). No Titan fan is interested in *that* tripe. It was solid till and then Abnett lost steam.

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Dr Johnson, hit me up if you want me to rec you comics. Lobdell & Dexter Soy's Roy looks like an illiterate redneck but look up preboot Roy. He's a whole another beast.

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For Raven, DCTitans chose her modern look instead of how she was clearly Indian in her most iconic comics run. For Jinx, the show chose to go with the original brown looks instead of her darker modern look. Interesting, innit?

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Batman is so pissed Karate Kid beat him he whipped out the "Batman can beat everyone with prep time" lol

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Did the writers forget she has photographic memory? 🤔 Or were they on the "Barbara is female Bruce" train?

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trolling Garth, man is a menace lol...

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Go Ollie!!! Reminds me of when Thomas Wayne showed up and Bruce said he had 1 son and meant his biological kid.

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