

Bernardo Cesare
Geologist @geounipd. RockCommunicator. I study rocks and show their Art under the microscope. (He/Who?)

フォロー数:1418 フォロワー数:17767

Where all my photomicrographs started...
It often happens that among your first photos are the very best. Here's an example: I couldn't yet replicate the beauty of this drop of Aperol.

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Feeling weak? Work or study are sucking all the energy out of you?
Here's some SUGAR (from Campari, Aperol and Maple Syrup).
Have and watch some to feel better.

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today brings us to the Kola Peninsula. A cut pebble of gorgeous felsic granulite in my hand, and three different ways its SILLIMANITE appears under the microscope. Sample kindly provided by Oksana Churakova.

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Serpentine just passed to the second round at .
You may like some aesthetic photomicrographs of this mineral in serpentinites from the Alps, Sierra Nevada and Ronda Massif.

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A brief microphotographic reportage across the
from top left clockwise: Nummulite (Venetian prealps); Gabbro (Adamello); Myrmekite (Ivrea Verbano Zone); Blueschist (Aosta Valley)

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Photomicrographs for your
left: plagioclase-pyroxene symplectite in granulite from Manitoba, CA
right: another "Heart of Stone", from Mar Menor, Spain

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Four shots from the new series of photomicrographs of the "DolomitiArtRock" Project.
"…Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible…" (Paul Klee)

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From Top Left Clockwise:
Caffeine, Maple Syrup, a Rock, and even a piece of Plastic turn into Artwork under a

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