

Bernardo Cesare
Geologist @geounipd. RockCommunicator. I study rocks and show their Art under the microscope. (He/Who?)

フォロー数:1418 フォロワー数:17767

Day 39 of
BONUS SQUARED MICROGRAPHS of rocks, drinks and callus remover (!) Enjoy!

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Day 34 of
for me is basically
More and in
From top left clockwise: Cordierite; Pyroxene, Plagioclase; Kyanite. Enjoy!

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...is the more end more common occurrence of former fluid inclusions (now multiphase inclusions) coexisting with NG, indicating fluid-melt immiscibility during anatexis.
Find the latest results in the paper by Carvalho et al. (2020, EPSL). THE END!

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... to obtain the full remelting but no interaction with host (left). It is a time-consuming procedure, but ...

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Day 25 of
tweet 3 on
The enclaves of El Hoyazo are peculiar for many things, but most of all for their (MI). MI occur in virtually all minerals (here clockwise Spl, Mnz, Bt, Crd, Ap), and in particular in (read on)...

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recalls this nylon under the microscope

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Some color for a sunday
Tiger's Eye (South Africa) under the
...Because Earth without Art is just Eh...

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From top left clockwise Andalusite, Sillimanite (with cordierite), Agate and Charoite
...because Earth without Art is just eh...

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