The Matthew Show© (He/Him)さんのプロフィール画像

The Matthew Show© (He/Him)さんのイラストまとめ

Likely the biggest nerd you'll ever meet, at least by volume.

Yes, I remember that one guy you thought only you knew about.

Save The Texas Prairie Chicken!

フォロー数:333 フォロワー数:2605

3) JET HEADSTRONG - The leader of the superheroic Defenders of Dynatron City, Brett (surname unrevealed) fought evil in comics, vidja games & a single episode cartoon pilot.

Trapt was singing about him, I think, especially the "circling and circling and circling your head" bit.

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2) THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES - First seen as an inverted rocketship that's bigger on the inside, Legion Headquarters evolved several times, eventually becoming a floating novelty from Spencer Gifts; the Zero Hour reboot eventually gave us The Legion Outpost orbital station.

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Despite recent crashes, PayPal keeps trying to interest me in "alternative currencies", and I've just about had it.

There's only *ONE* Krypto I give a rat's ass about...

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9) GO-GIRL - In a fan-created online continuation of 'Challenge of the Go-Bots', A.J. Foster (who was one of the Spike Witwickys of the cartoon) gained superhuman powes from an explosion of radioactive MacGuffium; her trademark braids would seem like a giveaway of her secret ID.

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1) DAYCRAWLER - Debuting with the Children of the Atom, coolest new mutant heroes of the Marvel Universe, Jay Thomas can not only teleport, he's resistant to telepathic manipulation.

There's only 2 problems:

One, Kurt Wagner's copyright lawyer.


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6) JONNY BRAIN AND MECHASAUR - An old-school kid hero in the world of MetaDocs, Jonny Brain (real name unrevealed) either pilots or exists symbiotically with his mecha pal; given the Giant Robo/Tetsujin 28 overtones, I imagine his dinosaur may be an alien itself.

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2) THE KANGAROO - Initially a villain following in the footsteps of the original, Brian Hibbs turned his life around after getting his face punched in once too often; returning home to Australia, he set out on a superhero career and seemingly died in action.

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10) AWESOME ANDY - Initially a mindless tool of the Mad Thinker, the Awesome Android eventually gained sentience and a conscience, leaving the employ of his creator to get a job as a legal assistant at the law firm of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway.

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5) ICESIGHT - That's right, friends! TWO hockey heroes for the price of one!

You can't get this kind of entertainment just ANYWHERES!

Paul Kariya, Mighty Ducks Captain circa '99, is not only a skilled skater, but has x-ray vision, at least when brought to you by LUNCHABLES!

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9) THE BLUE EAR - An expert in sonic technology, Dr. Pedro Perez is an associate of Tony Stark who created a number of high-tech devices for superheroing, as well as an upgraded hearing aid for his deafness; Dr. Perez team with Iron Man to defeat the 1-2 punch of Blackout & Klaw.

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