

フォロー数:153 フォロワー数:397

I don't think that's the case. You can clearly see the way it wraps around and even stretches across her rounded chest. Again it depends on the version, but when it's there it's there. I'd say she can be anywhere from flat to a small D-cup.

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I find it funny that out of all the girls they pick Satoko to give the exposed bra and cleavage treatment. Then again considering the other outfits they likely didn't have many other options.

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And that's just the stuff he's willing to ask for publically. Just imagine the sort of demands he might've made offscreen in private.

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I'm glad you like them it was an interesting little experiment to do.

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It's made especially hard to swallow when it clearly feels like they're just trying to connect it with Umineko's Bernkastel and Lambdadelta. Starting with the foregone conclusion of psycho lesbian witches and thinking of how to get there afterward.

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So many ikemen!
I also liked the artworks they released as part of the countdown to the Umineko Saku release.

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