

Hey there! I'm Miketendo, or Mike if you prefer.

I'm just a huge Nintendo fan who plays games for fun on my channel! Have a fantastic day!

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It's time for Splatoon 3! Gonna be doing the whole European Splatfest! Feel free to come by and vibe!


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Gonna be finishing up Octo Expansion then doing some PB's with friends and Luma's!


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Damn it's been 10 years since this gem came out! I love this game, it introduced to me one of my top 5 characters Pit, it was such a fun game! I really wish one day it could get a Switch port.

I know I posted this a little late. but... Sorry to keep you waiting Pit!

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Guys, we got John right? Well he's baby, but what if... He grew up? The second image is a older John XD

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Today's stream of Miitopia was so much fun I love this game and I'm so happy to share the experience with you all who came out to watch and go along with Mii selecting! Today we did the rest of World 1 and World 2 with Kitty, Amy (Made by Callie) and this lil guy!

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Hey all! Merry Christmas Eve! Gonna be doing a big Stream today with a bunch of games! Playing for pure fun and sillyness! Hope to see you there! :D

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I am so ready for all of this Mario that is happening soon! You can all bet I'm streaming those 3D Mario ports and 100% them all! I am so exited, even about all the other Mario stuff too! There's so much I am a happy Mario fan today! Yahooo! :D

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Hey everyone! A little bit of a announcement today, my name for the channel and mostly everything will be changing! It will now be Miketendo!

I went with this name so new people will know my name is Mike and I do Nintendo stuff! That and it rolls off the tongue in my opinion XD

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First Episode of General Questions is out! https://t.co/93xMIuNxhO I hope you enjoy it!

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