If you're wondering why I haven't been able to post art, here's why, I'm trying to get used to my new tablet aaaa, It's a bit hard, I'm not gonna lie-
Anyways, have these quick doodles of my lovely sons ♥️💙

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Im going to be announcing a change here soon. In the meantime- take a look at these.

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Just a bunch-a mario's. They don't stop coming. Tried some more expressive-ness.
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Worked on this guy today for the SRW pack. I am apart of the team, so I figured I'd make myself useful.

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Boosette is coming to the Halloween(congratulations Galactic Titty)#boosette

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(I try to give a texture of clouds to the sky but I didn't get out, ups)

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sometimes u just gotta draw your sona in clothes you wont be able to afford. yknow for self care

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