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Superstitions abound when on the open seas. One such fear states you should never bring 💐Flowers💐 onboard a ship, believing them to be harbingers of doom due to their connection w/death.☠️
When gifted flowers upon departure, you must throw them overboard ASAP.
‘Om’ is not just a word. Rather, it is an intonation of 3 Sanskrit syllables (Au-Oh-Mm) giving rise to a threefold experience on a physical, mental & astral plane. It is the all-encompassing cosmic vibration of the universe.
Were nursery rhymes social/political satire❓
R.S. Duncan credits “HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH” as referencing a Wakefield Prison practice of having its women prisoners [otherwise shackled] to exercise around its now infamous C19th mulberry tree.
Man-Lion, Narasimha, found in Vedic literature, is an Avatar of Vishnu who incarnates to destroy evil & restore Dharma. Also referred to as the “three-eyed lord” [Tryambaka Lord], he is known primarily to his devotees as “The Great Protector.”
“Riding Through” - [Tylepathy Remix]
Is #FridayTheThirteenth cursed? It’s frozen many in their tracks for the duration w/some giving its origins to the date Eve bit the 🍎👀
Still, others embrace this day, ruled by Venus (known for love, beauty & grace) & #13, as a portal to change in one’s life.
Dragon boat racing is said to have begun on the Eastern shores of the Dongting Lake as a search for the body of poet, Qu Yuan, 1st author of Chinese verse. The dragon-king is said to live at the bottom of this lake.
Ancient diners used various primitive constructions to feed themselves. From sharpened stones for knives, to shells attached to sticks for spoons & hollowed sheep/goat horns for holding liquids, our Ancestors were the epitome of the DIY enthusiast.
Mother images:
[L to R]
“Primordial Mother” Jofrah BossChart;
Fierce Mother: “Kali”
Weeping Mother: “Pieta” Michelangelo ;
Loving Mother: “Sunshine Mother & Child” Shijun Munns