

Hello! | Digital Artist | Discord: MistaFaz#4924

I am planning a PMD-inspired story called "Forgotten Meian".

フォロー数:316 フォロワー数:396

Here's an art showing the remastered designs of the nation leaders of Lunara (The Moon Nation) for FATE's Cycle. Chujo (Gallade) who's king, and Kiba (Gardevoir) who's queen.

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Progress on my current WIP Art. Flat Colors and Lineart (Characters) done.:

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Hisa (Ralts) of my Pokémon AU FATE's Cycle is the heiress of the nation of Lunara. (The Moon Nation) I decided to redesign her "heiress outfit" to make her outfit look more like a fighter she is. Original Design (Left); Redesign (Right)

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Drew the Wallpaper art for Soren (Marshadow) of FATE's Cycle. He is the physical manifestation of FATE, making him a special to "The Main Five" of Albertroph. His motives are unjustified he's either mysterious from others, gentle, or vicious.

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Here's a wallpaper art for Luxi (Jirachi) of FATE's Cycle. She is the physical manifestation of Light, and has a very bright and cheerful personality. As pure as she is, this also makes her less reluctant to fight either due to fear or morality.

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Drew a Wallpaper Art for Soli (Victini) of FATE's Cycle. Soli is the physical manifestation of the Sun in Albertroph and possesses limitless fire potential, making him maniacal and extremely powerful in fights.

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To finish the Nation Leader Concept arts, is Sofexa (Female Meowstic) of FATE's Cycle. She is one of the leaders of Luxen (The Light Nation) with Dynkris (Male Meowstic) as her partner. They both make a good dual in battle and as she's an archer, is a ranged shooter.

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Dynkris (Male Meowstic) of FATE's Cycle is one of the two leaders of the nation of Luxen (The Light Nation). Like his female partner Sofexa (Female Meowstic), they both rule their nation keeping its citizens top priority but as a Purity's weakness, they fear easier.

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Ikaro (Braixen), is the nation leader of Solaria in FATE's Cycle. As Solaria is the nation known for mining and minerals, he is sometimes conceited in his duties and specializes in gain and power over morality. Regardless, he is one of the strongest nation leaders.

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