

Bumbling oni - 20+ - ENG/SWE/日本語 OK -
Animator & Illustrator - Personal Account -

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:140

Digitala tunnel vision is realising you drew a hand too small but frankly I don't give toss.

1 3

Send in the clowns,
Those daffy laffy clowns,
Send in those soulful and doleful,
Shmaltz-by-the-BOWLFUL... CLOWWWWWNS.

0 5

rkgk; she's (one of) my favourites but I never draw her in a way I like 🛌

0 2

Let's put weird and weird together,
And make it even weirder!
Weird, weird space is super weird!
So, so strange and super weird!

11 39

Been trying out and drew my favourite bootleg of all time

1 7