

✌️i like being here more: instagram.com/seethisthruuu/

フォロー数:45 フォロワー数:34581

that being said this is the benton creation i had ebay alerts for for several years. even by that point i was late to the party though everything that got listed was for way more than anyone should spend lmfao. sad.

12 230

important message from our refrigerator

157 1251

thinking about the evangelion x bobs big boy collab

64 604

we're literally two episodes into oniisama e and i'm fully convinced this is the greatest anime ever made. dezaki & ikeda are both untouchable.

65 616

just uploaded a scan of this flyer i picked up recently for the Buttobi CPU ova. its at 600dpi, unreasonably high res, cant imagine anyone will have any use for it, but i was about to frame it to hang on our wall & figured "who else is gonna scan it" https://t.co/bMIIQ2ZqQE

70 563



just found out about the lamunation red bull girl and corona extra with lime penguin. i'll probably never play it but i feel confident in saying its got to be one of the best visual novels ever made on this alone

12 247

ghibli food always looks so delicious

18 482