Monika Landfriedさんのプロフィール画像

Monika Landfriedさんのイラストまとめ

Interested in: Border area between Philosophy and Physics, Origin of Life, Literature, Arts, Photography ♌️ - Where is a form, there is a soul ~ Fernando Pessoa

フォロー数:35353 フォロワー数:41813

anémones :) comme elles sont belles ces fleurs d'un bleu profond :) merci ma belle amie Luce 🦋💙🦋
je vais encore bien, j'espère toi aussi ~~~

12 18

Our earth is one living organism ~
the injury to a part
leads to the imbalance of the whole ~~~

Max ~ Le grand malade

38 40

everything is a poem
in just the right light ~ like a crystal
but sometimes writing feels like
I am turning the ugly history of my body into stone
I freeze violent memories into cement statues
so they can no longer hurt me
Blythe Baird

F: Arnar Kristjansson

35 53

... because I know
that time is always time
and place is always and only place ~
I rejoice that things are as they are ~
I rejoice, having to construct something
upon which to rejoice .....
T.S. Eliot ~ Ash-wednesday

47 86

Se desgrana un cristal fino
sobre el sueño de una flor
trina el poeta divino ...
¡Bien trinado, Ruiseñor!

Bottom oye ese cristal
caer, y bajo la brisa
se siente sentimental.
Titania toda es sonrisa ...

art: LR Falero

44 67

And what than does your heart prove?
It oscillates between yesterday and tomorrow
silent and strange ~
and what it beats
is already its fall out of time ~~~
Ingeborg Bachmann


48 73

You are the future, great dawn
above the plains of eternity .....
You are the thing's deep epitome
which hides its essence's final word
and appears to others always otherwise .....
Rainer Maria Rilke

Foto: Ronald Kotinsky

46 87

Go back to what I was
matter perhaps
without awareness of being
like the plant loving life
and in so much beauty
sip the sap
without breaking the jar .....
Alfonsina Storni ~ I want

Art: Ruud van Empel

54 82

The wet dawn inks
are doing their blue dissolve
the trees seem a botanical drawing
memories growing, ring in ring ...

Full of wings, otherworldliness
In this they are Ledas.
O mother of leaves and sweetness
who are these pietàs?
Sylvia Plath - Winter Trees

60 104

Nothing can be compared
for what is not all alone with itself -
We name nothing
a sudden brillance, a glimpse
who resits will have no world
who comprehends too much
misses the eternal
During such huge nights
we're almost weightless
parts among the stars

82 142