Monika Landfriedさんのプロフィール画像

Monika Landfriedさんのイラストまとめ

Interested in: Border area between Philosophy and Physics, Origin of Life, Literature, Arts, Photography ♌️ - Where is a form, there is a soul ~ Fernando Pessoa

フォロー数:35353 フォロワー数:41813

Had I not
created my whole world -
I would certainly have died
in other people's ..... Anais Nin

130 230

Alone I stare into the frost's white face
it's going nowhere, and I - from nowhere .....
and snow crunches in the eyes
innocent, like clean bread ..... Osip Mandelstam


131 152

Je te traine quand je suis seul
Dans des rues froides
Des chambres noires
En criant misere .....
Que la vie
Creuse la terre sous ton ombre
Une nappe d'eau pres des seins
Ou se noyer comme une pierre

🎨 Dali - Gala

126 136

is being different from oneself,
not others.
Philip Larkin

🎨 Remedios Varo

129 168

He who taught you for one day
is your life-long father ... (from China)

🎨 Raphael - Pythagoras (1509)

100 150

Käthe (150 y)
"It is my duty to voice the sufferings of people ..."

105 112

en las ondas oscuras de tu andar
quiero, amor mio, dejar,
violin y sepulcro, las cintas del vals

84 103