

フォロー数:879 フォロワー数:28

Only a few hours more till I finish working and I'll be able to take a deep dive into this game for the rest of the weekend!!
Art by me :B

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so Roy is also a feminist activist(?), got it!

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there has to be a universe in wich Xenoblade was made by Square in the late 90's and Xenogears was made by Monolith Soft exclusive for Nintendo consoles

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Hi, I made another Illustration, and I honstly see an improvement in my backgrounds!! I really like the result although I know I still have a hell of a way to go

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My previous post now In color, I like the result with this one, I think I'm improving

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New character desing based on african tribes, what do you think?
Nuevo diseño de personaje basado en tribus africanas, ¿que opinan?

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