Jon Sierugaさんのプロフィール画像

Jon Sierugaさんのイラストまとめ

Writer of Yesterday's Kisses Are Still On My Lips, a not-yet produced screenplay rejected by every shop in town. "Where's the dramatic arc?" Um, it's a comedy.…

フォロー数:678 フォロワー数:2181

Vintage Valentines: for all those frigid gay snowmen out there!

1 6

Vintage Valentines: Where's 50 Cent when you need him?

1 4

THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (51) Outer space visitor to D.C. escapes military confines, goes to live amongst regular American citizens. Alternately clumsy, naïve, charming & cogent sci-fi drama w/mssg of peace. Excellent performances by Rennie as Klaatu & Neal as single mother.

6 10

THE GOOD GERMAN (06) US war correspondent in Berlin reunited w/Jewish German & wife of ex-SS officer once involved in V2 rocket program at Camp Dora. Documents, documents, who's got the documents?! Soderbergh's b&w paean to the past a stylized but internally confused WWII homage.

3 11

Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table, stumblin' in.

3 8

I had a jigsaw puzzle made of the poster, 1000pcs, but I haven't opened it. It's too nice the way it is!

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