

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:2937

Been watching a lot of K-on!

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Kagetsu Tohya gets a lot of good stuff as well

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"Because no matter how I look, I am me."

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This design is so good, how is Pako so smart

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Felt like drawing Arc

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God her summer outfit is just insanely bad. I just hate everything about them

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Nothing about her is good but the perfect sphere boob is comical

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Shamir didn't get a new design for Three Hopes so I gave her one.

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Also they gave Shiki the same bland Ufotable jacket instead of keeping the insanely terrible denim jacket and blue t-shirt with orange collar, the loss of this much soul is so sad

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I like the more solid look that TsukiR powered Ciel has but it's such a shame that she lost the tattoos they look so cool

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