

Crypto/NFT/Fitness maxi

13+ years on 𝕏

Mind Changing technology - $cmm


フォロー数:4292 フォロワー数:3245

Ready for the apocalypse of course

0 2

I think the realization that not all are GMI is kicking in .

2 4

It's what you we're born to do

0 1

floor is the thinnest I think it's ever been. Any game update, news, announcement, marketing, chimpers update could send it.

Betting on already proven devs is easy.

1 5

Picked up 2 more crowds.

Excited to see what has been silently working on.

1 9

GM to all the people not making it. Even those yet to be born.

0 5

I would also recommend looking into the , the team have already proven themselves with the free to play game for anyone. Lots more to come.

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