Haven't made a sale or profit in some time (Haven't gotten rekted either) so I decided to buy 2 to feel something!

Feels great to burn ETH.

1 13

Erm sorry to spoil the party but it's not an official bull run until the pump.

0 2

You've got holders telling you to NOT buy a Fudder and the other half saying buy one 😂 Question is do you buy one ??

2 7

I think the realization that not all are GMI is kicking in .

2 4

Happy Purge Day to all the holders out there. Another month passes being apart of the NGMI movement, no where else I'd rather be.

5 14

just can't seem to shake its community. Despite no roadmap, no utility, and even being a rug the community still shows up daily. Even Top founders have bought some 😂🙈 &

0 3

So many huge names have embraced the lifestyle ❤

is one of us.

2 5

Hey Gary, don't buy a , this is Financial advice, they're

0 1

I know the worst will always be a . Gift them out to all the naughty degen kids.

0 5

Imagine having on your timeline 😂

Trying to build, connect and grow in web3 and you see flashes of garbage. For that I apologize.

2 10

You must have been hodling ??

Join a whole community of people that are not making it :) We accept out fate📉

0 8