

It's time to get wrapped up~ all I do is art stuff here with rare reposts. art by @fiaKaiera | 16+
banner by @Magmarashi1815
My Gay Lover @OttahSqueesh

フォロー数:379 フォロワー数:9370

A commission for JT!

57 279

Raffle winner! and Bengril! This is old sorry for not posting it ^^`

23 113

Keep Calm! You got this! Mug's here for moral support!
If youd like to support back consider being a patron!

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Commission of Valentine and spooder

61 278

Mugs a bit playful today~

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Have a happy mug!

93 488

Hehe a small thing for me and

99 425

These were the images that i did for Lynus and Agenttree! thank you guys so much and i plan on doing raffles more often maybe even make thursday raffles

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Icon Commission for Ilska!

((Hello guys to celebrate then 1,000 follower milestone we are gonna stream and i will be doing small raffles to do a small doodle! The streams at 1pm EST so stay tuned!))

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