

It's time to get wrapped up~ all I do is art stuff here with rare reposts. art by @fiaKaiera | 16+
banner by @Magmarashi1815
My Gay Lover @OttahSqueesh

フォロー数:379 フォロワー数:9370

Braixen drawing I did a while back!

57 256

I've decided to make the Patreon server public while still giving the patreons things of their own. If youd like to join feel free!

11 72

super cute commissions Mug and Shama sleeping

39 205

Commission for This was alot of fun!!!

40 190

Ok Commission for ! it was supper fun! i had to repost it first one messed up xc

37 190

A birthday gift for a friend!! I'm glad they liked it

50 267

Commissions are open though ican only take a few for the time being

17 108

Wait!! stop flirting!! Im easily flustered!! stop it!!!

134 577

Mugs upset he doesn't have the fluffiest tail

130 492

Streaming with -n-spicy-vulpix​!!! COME ON IN!!~~

18 129