Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのプロフィール画像

Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのイラストまとめ

おたくの #ユウアス/YuAsu Otaku
OTP Yuuki👭Asuna
💙to praise fan👩‍🎨work
SpecEd BA
#BeKind #KeepMovingForward
(art @AG_Nonsuch先輩)…

フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:870

I will do my best UwU
(out of curiosity and if you remember, where in Japan did they hold Banzai)

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it's even more heart-wrenching when you consider he was the first friend she made at Beacon YwY

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I couldn't stop if I tried XD
she makes me so happy like osdjfapoj!

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gosh darn it blue, you made me think this animatic would have a happy ending with all those lovely facial expressions from li'l Ruby
instead, you made a gloriously touching montage following her journey from resolute to broken
stop doing this to me! QwQ

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love the attention you've given to their hair
Good job!

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that scene still perplexes me, yet I'm certain there's significance to it OwO'

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