Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのプロフィール画像

Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのイラストまとめ

おたくの #ユウアス/YuAsu Otaku
OTP Yuuki👭Asuna
💙to praise fan👩‍🎨work
SpecEd BA
#BeKind #KeepMovingForward
(art @AG_Nonsuch先輩)…

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:876

in fairness, I think the potential for cooking his butt was squandered when Weiss told her Penny sacrificed herself

that said, I LOVE the Silver Eyes VFX you've included, and the vignette effect
Ruby's hair has great texture too
consider my bravery cooked by Ruby's stare

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ROCK ON! It's always comforting knowing how much the VAs care UwU

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that was a cute choice taking her prosthetic arm off for this, and Blake kissing her forearm as a result UwU
tysm for sharing your art

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beautiful dusk-dawn colors in the sky, and matching the characters (dusk on Blake's side, sunlight dawning on Yang's)
the lighting is my favorite thing about this, you've made everything look so ethereal UwU (and good job w/their hair)
thank you for sharing your beautiful art

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holy cow

You did wonders on their hair/clothes (good lighting too), and blakes ears
love also how yellow-dawn on blakes side, purlple-pink dusk on yang's
tysm for your art

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as a fellow RWBY fan, my pleasure
this community has always embodied the kind of creative energy Monty seemed to be filled with
please keep on creating! UwU

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