Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのプロフィール画像

Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのイラストまとめ

おたくの #ユウアス/YuAsu Otaku
OTP Yuuki👭Asuna
💙to praise fan👩‍🎨work
SpecEd BA
#BeKind #KeepMovingForward
(art @AG_Nonsuch先輩)…

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:876

oh ^w^
I didn't even notice well regardless, nice to meet a bunch of new RWBY fans!
& I don't mind; I love interacting w/your art!
you put so much hard work into it!

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great art!
I really love the attention to detail on their fingers/hands/knuckles!
tysm for sharing your art, fellow RWBY fan!

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amazing musculature on Yang's neck and shoulders
thank you for sharing your art

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, light beams around B&Y's heads (like HALOS)
clouds look SO FLUFFY UwU
hair texture great & its blowing in the wind!
Nice lighting (Yang's bandana for instance)
Unique to your fanart, B&Y are on opposite sides of canvas, not the middle, love it!

tysm for your art Chai

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idk wth is happening in this, but I love every minute of it, especially those facial expressions

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Vol 5? What exactly do you call "Burning the Candle" in V2? Or the dance Blake promised Yang before her dance with Sun?
You think Yang cried just b/c they were partners in V3, when Blake hesitated to believe Yang about attacking Mercury? She looks HEARTBROKEN

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I never would have followed for as long as I have now had it not been for hilarious parody of the show by
& Anthony, thank you for your hard work in making something as beautiful and special as

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