

🎨 Full-time Fantasy Artist
🐉 Etsy Seller
👾 Lover of All the Nerdy Things!
😼 Cat Mom

フォロー数:1143 フォロワー数:2204

008 - (Adventurer) Rabbit Demon Hunter
Alignment: Good
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

0 0

007 - (Bestiary) Arachthulu
Alignment: Evil
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

2 9

006 - (Bestiary) Cobardile
Alignment: Evil
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

1 6

Full Color Character Commission
Character: Necedah Naga

2 13

005 - (Legend) Hellhound
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Good
Companion: Highlands Pegasus: These fearsome war pegusi will only pair with individuals who have a powerful sense of justice.
Commissioned by: boisenberry

6 10

004 - (Legend) Dhampir
Class: Warlock
Alignment: Evil
Companion: Demonic Black Fox: Only a warlock of exceptional power can summon and control these demons. A black fox devours souls and transfer that power to its master.
Commissioned by: lunarsapphire13

1 7

Full Color Character Redesign Commission for
Bio-Chimera on DeviantArt
Character: Lovecraftian Deity

0 2

003 - (Bestiary) Simurgh
Alignment: Good
Commissioned by: lunarsapphire13 on

0 2

Full Color Character Commission for
Drache-Lehre on Deviantart
Character: Luscian

0 2

002 - (Bestiary) Chimera
Alignment: Evil
Commissioned by: KCDragons

0 1