

🎨 Full-time Fantasy Artist
🐉 Etsy Seller
👾 Lover of All the Nerdy Things!
😼 Cat Mom

フォロー数:1143 フォロワー数:2204

001 - (Legend) Archangel
Class: Necromancer
Alignment: Good
Spirit Candles: Spirit candles are imbued with holy souls and most often take the shape of magical birds. These birds are used as messengers and guardians for this archangel.
Commissioned by: Eulerian-Circus

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Full Color Character Design Commission for
HanniBear on

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December 31 - Anthro Tanuki - Winter Necromancer
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

0 1

Another year gone! Where did 2018 go guys?! It feels like only a couple weeks ago I started the Monster Field Guide.

Next step will be to post my kickstarter to get the book funded for publication!

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December 29 - Frankenstein's Monster - Broken Toys
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

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December 28 - Anthro Sabertooth/Western Dragon - Winter Necromancer
Commissioned by: Drache-Lehre

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December 26 - Christmas Tree Dryad
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

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December 25 - Saint Nicholas Polar Bear
Commissioned by: Bio-Chimera

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December 24 - Mystery Monster (Moth Pixie) - Candle
Commissioned by: Drache-Lehre

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December 22 - Mystery Monster Evergreen - Dragon
Commissioned by: Nuwame

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