

Dinosaur researcher at London's Natural History Museum. Tweeting about our research on dinosaurs & other aspects of vertebrate palaeontology (he/him) 🦕

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Although among the earliest pterosaurs described, in this case by Buckland in 1829, a detailed description of the whole skeleton has never been published, although Dimorphodon quickly became established as important & it’s been widely depicted in palaeoart (as in this Burian)

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Mourning the demise of my favourite mug, featuring one of Gary Larson’s classic dino takes, which I’d had since the far off days of my PhD. Oh well.

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And putting this out before some other wag makes a comparison with my skills (2/2)

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And with some nice zoological themes too (3/3)

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More Monets and Van Goghs … (2/2)

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Taking in some Monet - been to Paris many times but my first visit here. Spectacular …

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And the result is in … negative 🥳🥳🥳 I shall be going to the ball after all - heading to South Africa in a couple of days to pick up work on Triassic dinos with Whoo-hoo!

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I’d like to thank all my colleagues for thinking I’m competent enough to to hold down two full times jobs, one for the public side of the museum and one on the science side. Luckily I don’t need sleep or holidays - oh wait

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Couple of stunning famous images Britain but impossible to see some of the smaller works due to crowding. Disappointing and frustrating and I won’t be coming back to an exhibition here again in a while, but worth it for these

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On this you could consider some non-fiction and finding out more about and their world, maybe starting with one of these titles published by by yours truly and

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