

Marketing/PR pro. PR for @officialSDGC. Creator of #LordYamcha. Creator of Socky. Bringing @Tokyo_Xtreme to the west! He/Him. Finn(at)officialsdgc(dot)com

フォロー数:1396 フォロワー数:1789

DC’s splash teases for Infinite Frontier are looking amazing

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Describe your relationship in a picture that’s already in your camera roll.

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had a lot of good announcements but these 4 stole the show for me - especially and I already preordered the first and am completely sold on the second.

and both intrigued me to the point of “I’m in” it’s a great time to game

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Socky says take America back

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She’s having none of your bullshit today

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You can have your Halos and your Gears and your Forzas... for my money the greatest franchise Microsoft has published this decade is easily the Ori series.

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The Direct was exactly what I needed to see. The games looked fun and adorable across such a wide spectrum of styles.

But it was really elevated by the excellent and as the hosts.

Great job to everyone involved!

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