

Marketing/PR pro. PR for @officialSDGC. Creator of #LordYamcha. Creator of Socky. Bringing @Tokyo_Xtreme to the west! He/Him. Finn(at)officialsdgc(dot)com

フォロー数:1396 フォロワー数:1789

The Tale of Iroh never fails to get me in the feels. Somehow it just gets better with each viewing.

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Describe yourself only in pictures you have currently on your phone.

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It just never gets better. It actively lessens the great story Bendis is putting out.

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I respect John Romita Jr’s legacy as a comics artist but what he’s doing on his Action Comics run right now should be covered in the Geneva Convention as a crime against my eyes.

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Why, don't mind if I do.

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Huge props to to basically single handedly making Kite Man a compelling character.

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Gym Leader Finn: Shocking you into submission.

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