

Graphic Designer & Artist, SFW account.

SPA/ENG. Also learning japanese!

フォロー数:253 フォロワー数:600
# pixiv

Here I come to drop my favorite Navis!

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Revive 1313 (or make a successor still having Boba Fett as protagonist)

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• Treasure Planet
• Robin Hood
• Freya Crescent https://t.co/NdcYvw24UX

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Manifesting these specific Visions stories to continue as their own stand-alone shows 🤞

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- こんにちは!
- ケノービ大将 !

【女体化】SWまとめ | い https://t.co/X0naE0XL5C

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I will never give up until 1313 is revived or a successor project is made. I treasured Bounty Hunter with Jango, but we deserve a proper Boba game with his own story and missions 🙏
Got legends comics, figures, etc…
I very often replay games where I can fight him, lol.

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