

Freelancer Graphic Designer & Artist

SPA/ENG. Also learning japanese.

フォロー数:252 フォロワー数:633

Feb 2022 huh...

Meanwhile, in cover D of issue 50 in June 2022... lol

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LET'S GOOOOO! IDW canon to main games!

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Nothing like listening to Endless Possibility version from the Symphony event while working~

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The answer is gonna be the same no matter how many times you ask.

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2023 doesn't feel real bro… 😭🙏

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You probably found someone already but if you're ever interested, here's a few I've made recently.

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I just had to edit it into the full render with that face…✨

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Tfw not being a toxic Tolkien purist, so I can appreciate The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power for whatever it is in the end just like I did with the PJ movies.

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