The New Warriors (さんのプロフィール画像

The New Warriors (さんのイラストまとめ

The New Warriors - All they want to do is change the world! #TheNewWarriors #NewWarriors #Speedball #NightThrasher #Justice #Namorita #Nova #Firestar #Darkhawk

フォロー数:613 フォロワー数:616

Wrapping up with the mutant formerly known as she used Pym Particles as the hero Wondra

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Watersnake had one mission when she joined the New Warriors - find Namorita, who she believed to be very much alive!

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Daughter to the villain, Lightmaster, Sungirl did something different - she became a hero & joined the New Warriors

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Most who have read the hail as their favorite member of the team.

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Not to be confused with the other Scarlet Spider - this is Kaine who was a part of the team during Yost's run

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Ripcord - a mutant formerly known as X-Stacy who lost her powers; she seemingly died but has been seen alive since

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- the brother of and like her, a mutant who lost their powers and used tech during New Warriors

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My personal favorite - Namorita has gone through a lot of changes - including returning from the dead it would seem

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We didn't get much of a chance to learn more about but Yost did a great job with the little time on the book

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