

Doing #mikapyon things✨ Also tweeting Anime・Blender・Games・Rabbits・Linux!

フォロー数:481 フォロワー数:1493

あ、それw 得にホコへ走ったら指が疲れる💦
エイムは下手だから(大きい!)バブルとボムのキルが多いかもしれない(〃‾ω‾〃ゞ エヘヘ
(バブルの後ろでもおこめちゃまに倒されるだけど Σ(;‾□‾ )

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Or the one time she does NOT have a bad hair day? xD
(I should STFU I am just making it worse)

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It's actually no cloth sim but soft body physics on a simplified cage mesh, transferred over to the model with a Mesh Deform modifier!
The wrinkles and stuff are applied afterwards with displacement!
Not very realistic but light to compute and does the job for this anime style!

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Some things to tweak but works fine already I think! And fix clothes etc. (^▽^;)

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Same, same.....
But I will be looping this!

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Was going to take a shot with better hand pose and realized I did not link the left hand properly lol thanks!

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Done a few quick offline runs of the stage and getting consistently around 2:00 to 2:20 now!
Still failing a lot despite using safe baby strats but learned a few backups that let me finish the stage without too much time loss!

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Oh geez please don't xD
It's completely random and I just let them up for my own reference @
Also the plural form is obviously penii

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