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Yu Ishigami from Kaguya-sama: Love is War, voiced by Ryouta Suzuki, so go check him out!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/cyg5HEvKDx
#Yu #kaguyasama #kaguyasamaloveiswar #loveiswar #funko #Funkopop #funkopopvinyl #YuIshigami #Ishigami #IshigamiYu
Palutena from Kid Icarus, voiced by, (in Smash Ultimate) @brandykopp , so go check her out!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/wpFHMScwk8
#digitalart #funko #funkopop #funkopopvinyl #funkopopcustom #funkopopart #kidicarusuprising #kidicarus #Palutena
Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, voiced by @skyedsjbennett, so go check her out!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/2IBDo676gm
#pyraxenobladechronicles2 #funko #funkopop #funkopopvinyl #xenobladechronicles2 #xenoblade2 #xenobladechronicles2pyra #Pyra
Miyuki from Kaguya-sama: Love is war, voiced by Makoto Furukawa, so check him out!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/rsedcGwxMT
#Miyuki #kaguyasama #kaguyasamaloveiswar #loveiswar #digitalart #funko #Funkopop #popvinylart #Shirogane #shiroganemiyuki
Kaguya from Kaguya-sama: Love is war, voiced by @824_aoi , so go check her out!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/RVniiwi5Wa
#Kaguya #kaguyasama #kaguyasamaloveiswar #loveiswar #digitalart #funko #Funkopop #funkopopvinyl #funkopopcustom #funkopopart
Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, voiced by @cmwjen , so go check her out!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/AqIkV0N9TD
#Niaxenobladechronicles2 #digitalart #funko #funkopop #funkopopcustom #xenobladechronicles2 #xenoblade2 #xenobladechronicles2Nia #Nia
Angel Princess from the Kickstarter of Tower Princess, created by @AweKteaM , so go cgeck them out, and help fund the game here!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/hfrmWZUz1W
#towerprincess #digitalart #funko #Angelprincess
Slime Princess from the Kickstarter of Tower Princess, created by @AweKteaM , so go check them out, and help fund the game here!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/2QDbTsYpUI
#towerprincess #funko #funkopop #Slimeprincess
Elite Backer Guard:Light Knight from Tower Princess, created by @AweKteaM ,so go check them out, and help fund the game here!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/UO7FIrsZai
#towerprincess #digitalart #funko #funkopop #funkopopvinyl
Elite Backer Guard:Heavy Knight from Tower Princess, created by @AweKteaM so go check them out, and help fund the game here!
Also, Check out on Youtube for the Speed Draw https://t.co/vLviWlB4lb
#towerprincess #digitalart #funko #funkopop #funkopopvinyl