Noe lux 🇯🇵🌍 English, Français, Mangaさんのプロフィール画像

Noe lux 🇯🇵🌍 English, Français, Mangaさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:791 フォロワー数:486

え〜〜、どれ?ひらがな まざってて可愛いけど😆? I don't know which one you indicate 😆??
Tu mélanges katakaba et hiragana, c'est mignon 😆❤️ peut-être ババロア ou....🤔

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when I was juste starting my activity as freelance illustrator, a Korean man asked me to publish a colouring book. I signed a contract for that as well. But after I sent him the datas, I lost contact with him 🙄

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タナトスとシシューポス。加工前原画。今見るといろいろ手直ししたい…。#イラスト Sisyphus and Thanatos. Original with before digital arrangements. Now I can find several points in this to rework ..

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Maybe I posted already this picture before 🤔 Trojan War .
Je l'ai déjà posté avant 🤔? Mais bon...

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アトリエに展示していた exhibited in my atelier but I throw away it now 😗

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うーん、捨てるの惜しいなぁ、ま、またプリントすればいっか😣Hmmm c'est difficile à jeter mais bon, je pourrais encore imprimer un jour. Well, it's a shame to throw it away, but I'll be able to print it again one day .#イラスト

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購入消費を続けて人生がステップアップしているつもりでも、実は堂々巡りしているかもという のつもりで描いたもの。This is a caricature of the idea that if you keep buying new products to upgrade your life, maybe you will stay in the same cycle forever.

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「よっと!」/「ねぇ、怒るなよぅ、返してあげる。」/「なんで何にも答えてくれないんだぁ(泣)」/「ハ〜イ、お久しぶりね!」Post the on Twitter before discarding it.But it's juste printed , not original.

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