

Random cartoon stuff // Vent, Rant Account // Sometimes art // She/her // 2001's kid // Muslim // Autistic

フォロー数:404 フォロワー数:249

Just love Perry's looks in this song; this song is amazing!

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Here's a meme where the girl is drawn by one of the friendliest users I've ever met on Twitter . The girl is Emily Linda Flynn, one of her OCs.

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Back on 20th February, 2018, an anonymous person died due to unknown reasons. Their Still roams around, seeking revenge.

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I really wish they grew up with time.

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Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to one of my favourite cartoon character, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro! She's not only cute, but also smart, kind and caring.

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To all the emerging artists out there, don't be discouraged. Even if you get only 1 like, your drawing is amazing.

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When you are annoyed by all those love stories.

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When you want to know what happens after Act Your Age and there are people who fulfill your wish.

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Some images from one of my favourite episodes of all time. Hope we get to see more of older Phineas And Ferb. Btw, Phineas looks so cute here! he's your favourite character, right?

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